
Provision of on-farm veterinary services and enrolment of farmers under the NASRIA Ltd’s Namibia Agriculture Insurance Scheme (Livestock).

The Namibia Special Risks Insurance Association Limited (NASRIA LTD) hereby invites experienced and reputable service providers to submit bids for the under-mentioned.

  • PROCUREMENT SUBSCRIPTION: Provision of on-farm veterinary services and enrolment of farmers under the NASRIA Ltd’s Namibia Agriculture Insurance Scheme (Livestock).
  • LEVY PAYABLE: 300.00


Bid documents can be obtained electronically from nancy@nasria.com.na upon submission of proof of payment.

Documents availability: From Friday 11 November 2022
Closing Date & Time: Friday 09 December 2022 at 15h00 (Namibian time)
Enquiries: Ms. Anna Green | Tel: +264 61 229 207 | Email: nancy@nasria.com.na and procurement@nasria.com.na


The Tender Box
NASRIA’s head office, Namlex Chambers, No.333
Independence Avenue, Windhoek

NB: All bids must be sealed and clearly marked with the bid/procurement reference #

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Categories: Opportunities
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